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India's Rishabh Yadav wins first $10K-A-Day shoot-off

Rishabh Yadav of India took the first $10K-A-Day of The Vegas Shoot 2022 after a head-to-head battle with Nick Kappers.

Fifty-seven took part in the side-event for championship shooters who post clean rounds on the day. It sees archers shoot single-arrow passes in a sudden-death inside-out scored shootdown, eliminating the field until just one remains.

That one remaining was Yadav today.

“I’m feeling good. I just switched to the X10 arrow, I didn’t have a proper sight either but I still made it through. I can’t still believe I made it,” he said.

After three scoring ends, Yadav and Nick Kappers were the only archers left on the line. They tied score for three consecutive rounds until, in the fourth, the Indian archer dropped an inside-out X to take the prize.

The $10k-a-Day Championship Shoot-Off was introduced in 2020 to give shooters who post perfect 300-point rounds on either Friday or Saturday (or both) a chance at an extra $10,000.


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